Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wisdom & Knowledge

It's a full calendar work day of talking to families. It's the best job ever-hearing their stories-their heart cries and dreams for their offspring. Some feel so lost and confused. Some have charts and lists and accolades. All speak of being ill equipped. All ask, 
Is it enough?
Have we done enough?
Have I given enough?
Should I buy a new curriculum for English Composition?

I help define the goals and and understand the passion but ultimately I tell them, 
This is just my perspective, from my experience but there is a reason 
God gave this child to you, and you know them,
and you need to make the final decisions.

Sometimes they are relieved and release a sigh like I have taken the world's ideals off their shoulders.
Other times I get frustration. 
I can sense the desire to just be told what to do.

Why do we want someone to tell us?
Why is it so much easier to hand our God given rights as parents over to that 'someone' and follow their guidance when they barely know the child being led. 

Have we sold our children's soul for a Bachelor's Degree?

And the world puts its fingerprint on them from the moment they step foot in the still voluntary VPK and even those of us who choose to claim them
as children of the home
hit this haze of fog...
 What are Standardized Tests? 
And of course I need to know my child's ranking against
10,000 other children their exact age.

The unique fingerprint of God is lost under clinical terms like ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Eye Mapping. The fingerprint of the home begins to morph into a duplicate of the world.

I want my children to love Knowledge and dine often at Wisdom's Table.
Not because it will bring them honor or prestige. 
Not because they will get into the right titled university.
Not because it will make them scads of money as a such-and-such. 
But, strictly for the love of their God and a willingness to obey His commands.

Can there be any better calling?
As I have taken my eyes off the world's ideal of perfection in education
I have found my own unique fingerprint return.
As we paint, search for beauty in the woods, learn the names of botanical things, create businesses, work hard with our strong bodies, build things, decorate things, laugh and love life
I realize I never new Knowledge could be such a delightful friend
and Wisdom such a wonderful dining companion.

My children clasp hands with me and we frolic with our friends and somehow learning has happened.
Folks meet them and ask me what is my method. 
I have perfected a pithy blurb
It has to do with Classical Education
but I eventually get to the gritty truth...
That I am all over the place. 
Because....I really am....We really are.

I have these 3 beautiful creatures, uniquely formed by the Master's hand and I am on my knees regularly to understand His plan for them.... 
Asking how I can be the hands and feet to help accomplish it here. 
And on my knees I am finding my primary purpose...
To ignite a raving fire that burns long and hot for Him
To hold back the spitting, drizzle of the world that would put out the light in their eyes,
the passion, the zeal that speaks of their maker.
That makes them a shining beacon to all they meet. 

I am called to this amazing task and there is no 'someone' out there who can accomplish it better than I.
If they could I am certain God would have given my beautiful creatures to them.

1 comment:

Trinity and the brood said...

Powerful beginnings of a manifesto. I am excited and expectant to continue to read and be inspired as you venture more into talking about what it truly means to educate your children. Keep it coming!


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