Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Have you ever tried to change your eating habits?

We have. It's hard.

When pregnant with my third I went to a nutritionist and his guidance let me keep food down. That was huge. So I figured if he could expand my eating options when pregnant what could his advice do for me physically in normal circumstances.

Amazing would be the word. Up at 5 am going to bed with the owls and full of energy. Everyone asking what I was doing to look so radiant (while toting around a newborn, 2 and 4 year old).

It lasted a while 'til one day I didn't have time to plan meals. I headed to the grocery without a list. I wandered the store unable to recall the recipes for my healthier meals so I put an old standby, tried 'n true, not so healthy meal on the menu. Then it happened again and again until I forgot that healthy girl altogether.

It's really hard to chart new ground.
New ground like home schooling when I walked the halls of a school for 12 years.
New ground like pleasing God before man.
New Ground like nightly family Bible readings and devotions when I grew up with dinnertime grace.
New Ground like healthy/raw eating style when I've been making the same casserole dishes since, well forever.

New ground is hard because the trail to where I started is easier to retrace then the untrampled grasses ahead of me.

The past me is deeply ingrained.

Transformation is difficult. It requires work and it is hard. I have to uproot comfortable, well tried and often loved pathways. I have to work at things that don't come easily. I have to give up my free time spent in my pursuits and choose to search the heart of God.
I have to do hard thing, and that's just hard. 
I have to be diligent to follow a plan daily to reach a transformed state.

I have to do this on days when I want to be someone else. Days when I stumble and trip. I skip school while I call a friend to ask if it's okay to eat at McDonald's. Then, I feel like a failure and the road ahead is long and I've come a centimeter.

I am so glad God doesn't have a measuring stick to get into heaven. You know the kind they use at theme parks to see if a kid's tall enough to get on the ride. I'm so glad there won't be some angel standing at the gates while I'm stretching on tiptoes and still missing the height requirement by miles.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Transformation would be our word for this year. It is nice that I'm working through some hard stuff alongside others.

Counting and Counting....
A daughter's mature response to Transformation and doing hard things.

Boy in a Coon Skin hat and Cowboy Boots.

Flip lid Storage Boxes

The T.V. has been dark for a week straight

Excitement over history projects.

Moon gazing with the man through the new telescope.

Newsie letter from a Great Aunt

$5 pair of tennis shoes

Kids newly discovered love of chess.

Living in the only state in the U.S.A. that has NO snow on the ground.

1 comment:

-t- said...

thankful for your counting :)

humbled by your transforming :)

sorry for the Swedish Fish! :}

looking forward to new ground alongside you, my friend :]


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