Monday, February 14, 2011

Very Valentine

I love, Love, LOVE Valentine's Day. It's a day of no expectation. No, it's a day of less than no expectation and blessing someone on Valentine's Day has proven doable. I love that! I can bless and show love to folks who just didn't expect it and I do it with silly, simple things that I make.

This year I created a minion of birdies (the beast enjoyed knocking all the birds off their boxes, he did it in running gazelle like leaps and he would wait til I set them back up to leap again).

I first saw these little birdies at The Nesting Place.
She had received one as a gift from Denise at Living Life Creatively.

title decoration

I fell in love and had to get my hands on Denise's pattern to make my own birdie army. People just smile when I give them one of these flightless friends. You should check out her website and then go straight to her Etsy site to get the pattern or your own handmade birdie. I made my Birdies from dishtowels in Target's dollar section and sewed away in front of my most favorite BBC mini series. I love making stuff to give. I pray for the receiver as I create (in between watching Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy). The creation brings me such joy!

We've been celebrating Valentine's day for years this way, the kids and I. This is what homeschool families do in lieu of a class party. At least, that's what I tell myself. It started when they were mere babes. I would make up little love packs and dress everyone up in red and pink. We'd stay out until all the goodies were gone.

When we moved far away and didn't yet know a lot of folks we would send them off. Now we do a combination.

So, we're off to be little cupids. I pray your Valentine's Day is full of unexpected blessings!

Valentine Counts:

Story of the mis-gendered rabbit.

A Valentine Gift for me. 

A day of rest.

Experiencing 'Footprints' all over again through Girlie #2's eyes.

Chats with Mom over hair colorings.

A dozen red roses and his 'proud as punch' face at his offering.


Craig said...

I just came over from Ann’s. Happy St. Valentine’s Day

First of all – so much pink – the minion of birdies – an awesome idea!!!

And my fave your list?

A dozen red roses and his 'proud as punch' face at his offering. (we remain clumsy little boys in the art of love sometimes – I’m glad it made you smile)

God Bless and Keep You and all of yours

Michelle said...

Those birds are so sweet. I love your post:) And your precious list of gratitude.

-t- said...

all's joy and all's grace - you share it well. thank you for the beauty in all things small and not so small :)

Happy Valentine's Day!


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