Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Broken Ballerina

Just a game of chase. We enjoyed the company of adults and kids swarmed around all the local yards. The Man commented on the game of tag being played barefoot. All the parents spoke of their frustration regarding their Florida kids and their forever absent shoes. We were just moving onto a new topic when she hobbled around the corner. She told us that while in full stride through the thick St. Augustine grass she heard a snap, she can't put any weight on it. With no swelling or bruising we gave it the night.

X-rays showed a clean break. Sitting in the Podiatrist's office, so poised in the chair, so grown up, but in my heart, in my eyes fragile and broken and I wanted her protected and safe. The mini ER we took her to over the week-end gave her a small shoe to wear. Every time she moved while wearing it my skin crawled. The damaged areas just weren't properly protected. The Doctor wanted to cast it. Cast today means a complicated piece of plastic and felt with air chambers and pumps like an old pair of Nike Airs. This cast had directions we should take home and learn. I loved it. My broken ballerina now had proper protection. Now, just take the rest of her and wrap it up in bubble wrap and then swaddle her in a big blanket and set her in a corner until she is whole again my heart will feel better. I don't like when my babies get broken.

Does God feel  like that? Does he long to reach  out and wrap us in protective coating? Is that why he sent his son, Jesus Christ? I think he did. He knew that while we were vulnerable, broken, damaged here on earth that his son being our savior equaled the ultimate wrap in protective bubble wrap, ultimate protection from harm, eternity without the damages, safe in the arms of our creator.

Broken but Counting:

The Man up til 11pm with her Geometry because he wants to offer her grace, he wants her to join her friend at the beach and  he's willing to let it cost him so she can go.

The strawberry that looked like a purse and she carried it around but then she popped it in her mouth before I could snap a picture.

Thunder and Rain for an entire day.

That the break  was clean and she has a 50/50 chance of being  in her recital and she really could be  whole to begin pointe this summer.

The quartet  of neighborhood boys all at the front door to return The Boys treasures accidentally left outside.

The M&M sisters at the door with a get well card for Girlie #1

The beautiful collection of  seashell from her beach  excursion.

My belated birthday gift. A hand made mini Fungi and  even better the story of the man with the shirt that said, Fun-gi (Fun Guy) and I'm thinking she was telling me that I'm a Fun Gal and that she enjoys our company is a treasure.

Leopard Rain boots on a rainy day.

1 comment:

Craig said...

I’m here from Ann’s, I know it’s Saturday morning – I mean new thank you lists are out just the day after tomorrow, but there are a whole bunch of thank you counters to read. First, if we could only do this with our children, “just take the rest of her and wrap it up in bubble wrap.” But we can’t. No? And amen – neither does he.

From your thank you’s I especially liked: 846. The quartet of neighborhood boys all at the front door to return The Boys treasures accidentally left outside. and 847.
The M&M sisters at the door with a get well card for Girlie #1 (childhood friends – important for the sanity of a parent – but for them too to make memories) (◠‿◠) I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you.

God Bless and keep you and your family


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