Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mardi Gras Parade

Today, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, we celebrated with a party and we learned all about the Lenten Season. We called  it a school day. I did a lot of research and found some wonderful resources that made our event a School Day Success. Everyone went home with daily activity sheets leading us to the Cross.
Arts and Crafts For Lent by Jeanne Heiberg,
What We Do in Lent by Anne E. Kitch

We decorated our abode. I still can't find the significance of Mardi Gras traditional Purple, Green and Gold but it makes for beautiful decorations.

Even The Beast got Tricked out for Fat Tuesday. He looked Gangsta with his big Crown Charm. He's really a beast, all 18 inches and 6 pounds of him.

We baked a King Cake. It created quite a creepy sight in my oven as our babies tried to escape.

 The Boy loved the King Cake Babies. He turned them into tops and had the babies wrestle each other.

Polish celebrate Fat Tuesday with a Paczki and how delighted was I when I found a big display of them at our grocery store. Then, of course, we ate our King Cake. YUM!


Alleluia Banners
Alleluia, from the Hebrew word Hal-e-lu-Yah, meaning 'Praise Yaweh'. Allelulia is  'The Song of Heaven'. We created Alleluia Banners and will bury them tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, where they will remain until Easter Sunday.

Each Family made their own banner. Burying the Alleluia for 40 Days is a symbolic way to remind us that without His sacrifice we would never participate in the 'Song of Heaven'. 
Each family will Resurrect the Alleluia on Easter Sunday. 
We will wake up and sing  the 'Song of Heaven' with our Alleluias.

Gamaw and Papa never miss a party.

A few more shots of our Mardi Gras decor.

Now on to 40 Days of Lent. I'm ready to draw near God, excited to prepare my heart for the overwhelming reality of His love given on that Beautiful, Scandalous Night.

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